Ubisoft launches a special version of Rainbow Six Siege on PC


 A special version of Rainbow Six Seige launched by Ubisoft on the PC and is a copy Starter Edition, which is available only for a limited period and at a price of $ 15

Tmahnk new special edition get four clients and two originals you will need to more than 12,500 Renown or R6 300 to open a new client in the New Edition, Ubisoft  marketed emphasizes the 15-hour play guarantee you access to a new client by Renown.

Copy Starter Edition will be a number available on Steam and Uplay shop for two weeks only.

Ubisoft launches a special version of Rainbow Six Siege on PC Ubisoft launches a special version of Rainbow Six Siege on PC Reviewed by ONDEXGO on Friday, September 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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