Things do not look okay for the game PES 2017 Valambiet very weak and is weak in the face of FIFA 17, which sells 40 times!
Both games in the British market and who care about him because of the dependence of our market in the Middle East him see the arrival of FIFA 17 to number 1.1 million sold copies in Britain the first per week so far, a record for a series shattered by FIFA No. 13 bestseller in its first week in Britain.
But what about PES 2017 sales?!, The game even now suffering to get to No. 50 thousand copies sold!
To see Reviews For The Two games please enter the links below
For Every Copy Of PES 2017 Sold 40 Copies of FIFA 17 !!
Reviewed by ONDEXGO
Sunday, October 09, 2016

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