Game Developers Get Even Farm 51 has announced today the new legality that will embody the dramatic events of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Chernobylite is a horror and survival game set in 1986 the same year as the disaster.
There are not so many details about the game so far except the information that was posted on the Facebook page on the following page:
26 April 1986, 1:23 am Ukraine time. At this exact date and time, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster began. The heart of the dissolved nucleus of combustion reactor No. 4, which is mixed with other chemicals to create a high-radiation material that existed only in the world in Chernobyl. We will tell you the story of Chernobylite: the plot, horror, survival, love, and obsession in our new game.
The development team will use Unreal Engine 4 to build the game and have already visited the places you will be in the game and collect information about it to tell it in the story of the game and make the player live the real experience of this period filled with horror and fear.
The game will also support the virtual reality glasses of the PlayStation 4 and other platforms such as Vive and HTC, but so far has not been revealed details or launch date.
Announcement Of New Horror Game Chernobylite Game Developers Get Even
Reviewed by Opte
Monday, April 30, 2018

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