Three Fields Entertainment released Danger Zone 2 for Home and PC today.
With its launch next July, the new segment will put what has been done at the crash test facility in the first part of the real public roads, according to its developers. These highways include highways in the United States of America as well as those in Britain and Spain in various names. The game will have 26 individual play levels across 17 different venues.
Interestingly, these roads will have traffic, and players will be able to mess it up in eight cars, including a Sedentary Sedan, a Chaotic Coupe, a Really Crazy Taxi, a Euro Truck and a Formula One Car.
In addition, the developer emphasized that this smashing game will support the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro - running on the first with 4K real resolution and 1080p resolution and 60 frames per second. The second, Pro, will operate at an incredible 4K resolution and 1080p resolution with Super Sampling at about 150%.
The game will be launched on the thirteenth of July specifically on the PC and PS4 and Xbox One.
Burnout They Advertise Their Danger Zone 2 Car Smash Game
Reviewed by Opte
Sunday, June 24, 2018

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